The Corn Exchange was built in 1853, and cost about £1000; the Police Station, with magistrates' room, and superintendent's house, in 1847; and the Temperance Hall, in 1843, cost £700.
The branch line of the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire railway, from New Holland to Barton, distance 3 ½miles, was laid in 1849; and a new station erected in 1855. The annual receipts are estimated at £3000.
The Old Friendly society was formed in 1787, at the "King's Head" (the premises now occupied by Mr, Armitage); number of members, 40.
The New Friendly society originated in 1838, the members number 96; the lodge of Odd Fellows in 1835, number of members 140; and the Saving Fund and Equitable Loan Society in 1851.
Besides numerous sectarian societies for religious and benevolent objects, 400 tickets are annually issued by the Assistant Clothing Society.
The Yarborough Association for the prosecution of felons was formed in 1787; present number of members 65. The first Flower Show was held in 1849; and the first Poultry Show, in 1853.