There appears little room to doubt, that when a loaded mail is substituted (as it must be) on the New Holland road, -or, perhaps, when a hard winter should alter the state of the Barrow roads by New Holland, -that the advantages would be equal, or, considering the trade and population of Barton, on the side of Barton ; at least, such is the general opinion, and it was very decidedly expressed at a public meeting of the magistrates, clergy, gentry, and inhabitants of Barton on the 23rd of June. In public resolutions they pronounced the Barton route to be "entitled to a decided preference over that of New Holland," and declared themselves much " aggrieved by the decision of the post master general," which, as " based upon error," they hope will be annulled. The letters, when sent by Barton route, go by mail steam packet to Hessle, less than a mile across, whence they are instantly conveyed by a mail on land to Hull : when sent by New Holland, go thither from Brigg by a light mail cart, and then across the Humber to Hull, and the passage is one mile more by water, and a quarter or half a mile more by land, than Barton route.