A. Name
The name of the group is Barton and District History Group.
B. Definitions
Where the term "the Group" is used in this document it refers to the operations of Barton and District History Group in the Barton on Humber and surrounding area only.
C. Objectives
The aims and objectives (the "Objects") of the Group are:
a) To promote the advancement of public education through the study of local history.
b) To promote and encourage for the public education and benefit: collection, preservation, storage and display of photographic, written and other archival material relating to the social history of Barton on Humber and the surrounding area.
c) To manage the Barton on Humber archives of the North Lincolnshire County Council held at Baysgarth House Museum (BHM), on behalf of CHAMP, in a way that promotes the collection as a resource for local history studies.
D. Powers
To achieve the Objects and provided it at all times acts lawfully, the Management Group will have the power to:
• Raise funds, and accept gifts and donations.
• Purchase, rent, or take on lease property; maintain and equip the property for use; sell, lease out or dispose of the property.
• Take out any insurances deemed necessary.
• Employ and pay individuals for specific purposes.
• Work with voluntary, community and faith groups, statutory agencies and others, exchanging information and advice.
• Establish or support charitable trusts, associations or institutions.
• Appoint advisory or sub groups for specific purposes.
• Co-opt individuals to the Management Committee for specific purposes.
• Do anything which is considered necessary and is lawful in order to achieve the Objects.
E. Management Committee
The Group shall be managed and overseen by a 'Management Committee'. The Management Committee will consist of not more than eight members and not less than four and will, as a minimum, include the honorary officer roles of:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The Management Committee will be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) from a list of nominations submitted to the Secretary not less than fourteen days in advance of the AGM. Nominations must be submitted in writing and signed by both the sponsor, who must be a valid member, and the individual being nominated. At the first meeting of the Management Group following this election, the Management Group will elect its honorary officers. The election will be by simple majority; in the event of a tie selection will then be determined by the drawing of lots.
The Management Committee has the power to co-opt individuals who need not necessarily be members of the Group if it is felt they have a particular contribution to make. Co-optees will not have voting rights and their position must be reviewed annually.
F. Membership
Membership is open to anyone interested in furthering the Objects.
Any individual applying for membership must complete a membership application form. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a fair, non-discriminatory basis.
An up to date Membership Roll will be maintained by the designated Management Group member and procedures will be followed to ensure this is the case.
The Management Committee has the power to terminate or refuse the membership of any individual only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Group into disrepute. Before a final decision to refuse or terminate membership is taken, individuals have the right to appeal and can ask for a hearing. At the hearing members may be accompanied by a representative. Upon conclusion of the appeal process the Management Committee will give its decision, which is final.
All members must abide by the rules of Barton and District History Group, as governed by this constitution.
Corporate membership is open to any organisation interested in furthering the Objectives. Corporate members will send one representative to ordinary meetings, and will have one vote at General Meetings.
G. Meetings
Management Committee Meetings
The Management Committee will meet as regularly as is deemed necessary to effectively conduct its business, but at least six times annually. At least four members of the Management Committee must be present at a meeting to form a quorum.
All matters that require a decision will be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the Management Committee present and eligible to vote. In the case of equal votes, the chairperson will have a second or casting vote. Members of the Management Committee and Co-opted members will declare any apparent conflicts of interest with any item prior to its discussion and not vote on the matter. The Chairperson will decide if the member can remain present whilst the item is under discussion.
A record of each Management Committee meeting will be kept, including attendance and any decisions made.
Annual General Meetings
The Group will hold an annual general meeting on a date arranged by the Management Committee. No more than fifteen months must elapse between one annual general meeting and the next.
The Management Committee must give all registered members at least twenty-eight days notice of the annual general meeting including the opportunity to make nominations for the Management Committee. All registered members will be eligible to attend and vote at the annual general meeting.
The Management Committee will present to each annual general meeting a Treasurer's report and the independently examined accounts for the preceding year.
Special General Meetings
The Management Committee may call a special general meeting at any time. At least two members must request this meeting in writing and state the business to be considered. At least fourteen days notice must be given to members and this notice must state the business to be discussed.
Procedures at General Meetings
The Chairperson will normally chair all general meetings and the Secretary will take minutes. Other people may be appointed to do these tasks if required.
At least five valid Barton & District History Group members are required to form a quorum for a general meeting.
Voting will be decided by a straight majority unless the business concerned is either an amendment to the constitution or dissolution of the Group, in which case a two thirds majority will be required.
H. Finance
The funds of Barton & District History Group will be held in bank, building society or credit union account(s). Account(s) will be in the name of Barton & District History Group and operated by the Management Committee. At least four members of the Management Committee will be authorised to act as signatories to the account(s) and at least two authorised signatures will be required on all transactions. Group funds will be used only to further its Objects in accordance with this Constitution and all expenditure must be agreed by a majority of the Management Committee.
The Treasurer will keep a record of all the Group's transactions and prepare an annual statement of accounts. The statement of accounts will be examined independently. The statement of accounts will be made available to members.
I. Amendments to the Constitution
This constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of Group members present and voting at a general meeting. Notice of the general meeting must include details of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
J. Dissolution
If the Management Committee find it necessary, or advisable, to dissolve the Barton and District History Group, it will call a special general meeting.
Members will be given at least twenty eight days notice of the special general meeting. The resolution to dissolve will be presented at the special general meeting and if the proposal is confirmed by at least a two thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote, the Management Committee will have the power to wind up the affairs of the Group. After meeting debts and liabilities, any remaining assets held by or on behalf of Barton and District History Group will be donated to other groups or charitable institutions with similar aims and objectives to the Group. If required, a copy of the Group's final statement of accounts will be made available to the Charity Commission.